
2015 In Review

Happy New Year's Eve! I have to say, 2015 was quite a year. I'm not quite ready for it to be over yet, maybe because with the new year I have to come to terms with being done with college. I've sort of just been thinking I'm on break as usual, and will be heading back to Mercyhurst in a few days. 
The only thing I know for sure will be happening in 2016 so far is getting my wisdom teeth out (that will just be tons of fun), and going back up to Erie in May for my official graduation ceremony. I hope I will be able to find a full time job, and of course grow this blog! 
I am so thankful for all of my readers and my own little part of the internet here. Thanks for following me through 2015, and I hope 2016 will be even better! Here is my year in review, including some things that happened in my life, and my favorite outfit post for each month. 

In January I stayed home for J Term to take an online class, and turned 21.

And this was my favorite post

In February I started second semester of junior year and experienced some of the coldest temperatures in PA I've ever seen...well felt. 

And this was my favorite post (taken in NC a week before February came actually)
In March it was still really cold, and my boyfriend visited me for St. Patrick's Day, which is the biggest holiday at my Irish Catholic college.
And this was my favorite post 

In April we still had snow on the ground, and I figured out that it was to graduate from college a semester early.

And this was my favorite post

In May I came home to NC for the summer and started interning at my home dance studio in their offices.
And this was my favorite post
In June I visited New York City for the first time, and went on several mini road trips throughout NC with my boyfriend.

And this was my favorite post
In July I continued interning and traveled to Florida with my family.
And this was my favorite post

In August I enjoyed some time at home after finishing my internship and moved back to PA for my final semester of college.
And this was my favorite post
In September I started my third internship at a dance studio in Erie.
And this was my favorite post

In October I started applying for jobs, traveled home and to Clemson for fall break.
And this was my favorite post

In November I enjoyed my last full month as a college student, and got to come home for Thanksgiving.

And this was my favorite post
In December I graduated from college, had the highest GPA for my final semester of my college career, and enjoyed the holidays with my family.
And this was my favorite post
Cheers to 2016!

Thanks for reading!
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1 comment:

  1. All of your outfits are way too cute, Cara! Good luck with your job search and Happy New Year!

