Drop shoulder grid sweater c/o (use code "S1Caralina15" for 15% off!) | AG "Farrah" coated denim | OTK boots | Similar bag | Prada sunglasses
I've been all about the bold colors this winter, and I'm keeping it up with this cobalt sweater! I've paired it with some old favorites, these coated AG jeans that have just a slight leather-y look and some ever-versatile OTK boots. I also happened to still have a cobalt headband from high school that I brought back out for this outfit, and I love the little bit of extra color that it brings. Since we've been having a very warm January, I've been wearing a lot of looks like this one lately. No coat needed, all about the bold sweaters! P.S. I'm probably going to be a little absent on Instagram stories this week as I'm on a work trip!
Thanks for reading!
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