
14 Goals for 2014

Happy 2014 everyone!
So I got this idea from Two Little Elephants, I'm going to list 14 goals for 2014. They aren't really resolutions, I'm not very good at those, these are just some things I want to keep in mind throughout this year
1. Blog more 
I want to try to make several posts every week and if I don't have a lot of time, at least 1 post a week
2. Expand my Etsy shop 
I started Chevron Stripe Shop last May, it has grown a whole lot since then and I want it to grow a lot more
3. Invest in more makeup 
I'm usually really simple with my makeup and I don't have whole lot, I want to try to just get more products and learn how to use them right
4. Study more
Since I'm not a dance major anymore, it was really weird not having any dance last semester and I spent way too much of my time I should have been studying just doing nothing. I really really need to change that
5. Get an Internship in a major city for the summer
I need an arts internship to graduate, but I really hope to get one in New York or Boston or another major city
6. Finish my dance minor
I only have 1 performance credit and 2 ballet classes left
7. Collaborate with other bloggers
I loved collaborating with Majda back in November, and I hope to work with more people in the same or similar ways
8. Invest in upgrading my camera
I got my Canon Rebel XSi for Christmas/16th birthday present, considering that I'll be 20 next week I think I would really benefit by upgrading to a T3i or T5i to improve blog posts
9. Get back in shape before I get back into dance
I know, I know, this is the never lived out resolution, but since I injured my back last spring I really haven't done any regular exercise and since we have a J Term this year, I need to use it taking yoga class or at least stretching every day to get ready to start dancing again spring semster
10. Try to save money
Key word "try", I just need to slow down some of my spending if I'll be interning instead of working this summer 
11. Learn more graphics
Recently I made my new banner and signature, and I would like to learn how to do more graphic related things for my blog
12. Use my planner more
I love my Lilly planner so much, but I really don't use it as much as I should
13. Style my hair during the week
At school I don't straighten/curl my hair very often during the week. I know it doesn't really matter for college but I know it looks a lot better when I just spend 5-10 minutes on it
14. Expand my cooking abilities
When it comes to cooking, I usually just make macaroni and cheese or other pasta, grilled cheese sandwiches or pizza...I can bake just about anything but I really really need to expand what I can cook

post signature


  1. Really great goals! Good luck and Happy New Year!


  2. good luck with your goals this year; looks like a great list full, challenging but attainable!

    i am totally with you on buying and learning how to use more makeup. i finally jumped on the lipstick bandwagon and am shocked how much it can change my face and pull a look together!

    i also really need to learn how to do more graphic stuff for my blog. i am still so new to blogging and trying to figure it out as i go while balancing a full time job and it can just be tough to find time. i plan to consciously make more time this year! ps your header and especially your signature are so great!

    xo mary-katherine

  3. Good luck with your 14 goals! It's an amazing list for 2014 :)

    -Adele { wild ♡ sunsets }

  4. Hi I've just discovered your blog!

    You have good goals for 2014 and I hope you'll reach them :) I should visit your etsy shop. I think that etsy is an amazing website because you can find everything you want on it!

    Saving money? I'm so bad at it haha I hope you'll save money better than me...

    Good continuation! I'll definitely follow your blog

    XX Gaga from http://preppy-navy.blogspot.com

  5. These are great resolutions! I hope to do almost all the same! :)
