As 2016 is coming to a close, I think it's time for a post where I actually do a little bit of writing. This has been an interesting year for me. This time last year I was a few weeks out of college, working part-time, submitting job applications everyday, living in my parent's house again, and not really sure of where my life was going. A year later, I have been working a full-time corporate job for about 5 months, have my own apartment in a new city, and have just been trying to learn how to be an adult.
I also became really committed to my blog this year. I tried to post 3-4 times per week early in the year, but I clearly haven't been able to keep up with that pace since my work hours have doubled. I have a new appreciation and admiration for the bloggers that have managed to build some amazing brands for themselves while also working full-time. I hope to one day get back to my old posting schedule, but it just hasn't been very realistic for me lately. I would rather post less often and of higher quality than just throw posts out there just to fit a certain number of posts per week.
So that is pretty much a summary of my 2016, and here is my favorite outfit post from each month of the year. Out of almost 4 years of Caralina Style, these are definitely my favorites so far!
I also became really committed to my blog this year. I tried to post 3-4 times per week early in the year, but I clearly haven't been able to keep up with that pace since my work hours have doubled. I have a new appreciation and admiration for the bloggers that have managed to build some amazing brands for themselves while also working full-time. I hope to one day get back to my old posting schedule, but it just hasn't been very realistic for me lately. I would rather post less often and of higher quality than just throw posts out there just to fit a certain number of posts per week.
So that is pretty much a summary of my 2016, and here is my favorite outfit post from each month of the year. Out of almost 4 years of Caralina Style, these are definitely my favorites so far!
Here's to 2017, Thanks for reading!