Today I'm sharing how I use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to edit my outfit photos. This is my first "blogger tip" sort of post, because I'm usually reading blog tips, rather than giving them. This whole blogging thing can be complicated, but I feel like I have more experience with Lightroom than anything else, because I have been using it since high school.
So, I'll start off by saying I have a subscription to the Adobe Photography Package, that has Adobe Photoshop CC and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC. For outfit posts, Sarah of
Stylish Sassy and Classy blog and I take each other's photos. We use her
Canon 7D (discontinued, but a great model, now available as the
7D Mark II) with a
fixed 50mm lens. And any other posts I shoot myself with my
Canon Rebel XSi, that I've had since high school. That has also been discontinued, but if you are looking for your first DSLR and don't want to spend a lot, there are some good prices out there on that model, the
Canon Rebel XS, and older entry-level Nikon models like the
D60. With the XSi I use either the
18-55mm kit lens or
55-250mm telephoto lens, that (surprise!) has also been discontinued. I originally got it for dance/action photos and it still works well for that.
From this post

As you can see here, the main thing I do with my photos is just brighten them. Most of the time, I adjust the temperature, exposure, highlights, and blacks.
From this post
I also crop and straighten the photo when necessary, as shown from this photo.

Here is a photo I just made brighter. For some reason, when I import the photos the temp. and tint aren't always at 0. So I actually have turned the temperature up, and left the tint alone, although the numbers in the screenshot don't reflect that. When it does show up at 0, I usually turn up the temp up to 3, 6, or 8, depending on the photo.
I also brought up the exposure and the highlights, and turned down the blacks for some contrast. I prefer to do that instead of bring the actual "contrast" feature down. And it's always nice to bring up the highlights when the background is blurred, it brings that in a little more.
As shown from this photo, I sometimes crop quite a bit for a closer-up shot. The temperature and exposure is what really made this brighter, again the tint I usually leave alone, it said +24 when it was imported.
Another crop for a closer-up frame, and the same idea for brightening the photo.
Here is an example of the brightening, cropping/straightening, and bringing up the color to make it more saturated in certain areas. In this case, it's the pink wall. Shown in the below screen shots, I turned the red all the way up. That made the wall look more pink (a little more pink than it is in real life actually), and made my sweater a little brighter too.
And lastly, another example of the saturation with this blue/green wall. With my white pants I couldn't bring the blue and aqua all the way up because it started to change their color. But, it makes just the wall more saturated and does not mess with any of the coloring on me or my outfit.
I'm not a Photoshop expert by any means, but I hope some of you found this helpful!
Thanks for reading!