
Cinch Polls Party

Today I am having a "party" with Cinch Polls!
Cinch Polls is an app for smart phones where users can ask questions like "Which photo should I post on Instagram", "What should I make for dinner?" and other simple questions that you just want some extra opinions on. The questions can be voted and commented on by other users of the app. 

I am using this app as a way to interact with my readers, you can answer my questions today like "Which look should go on the blog first?", "How should I style this piece of jewelry?" and questions along the same lines. You can choose the order of my posts, what will be my Instagram feed, and what might in some future posts!  I will also be voting on any polls addressed to me, you can tag me and ask something such as "Cara (@caralinastyle), what outfit should I wear today?" with photos attached or "Which look is your favorite?" also with photos, or anything with options like that.

Here are some examples from the app:

Download the app to join the party! If you have any questions for me on the Cinch Polls app, address them to @caralinastyle!

Thanks for reading!
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