You may have noticed I have been posting more fitness related content around here on the blog. I feel like my Instagram feed doesn't show it that much, but my Story post and blog posts do. I love sharing my style and shopping finds, but the fashion blogging world has changed quite bit since I started as a freshman in college. I have been enjoying posting more fitness content as a break from being all fashion, all the time. In fashion blogging, there is sort of perception of never wearing the same thing twice, and a pressure to always have the newest items. If you are unfamiliar with how affiliate marketing works, (aka whenever a blogger says something along the lines of "shop my outfit via LiketoKnow.It"), it is an opportunity to make commission. The highest converting posts are of exact items in the newest styles. This can be really tough to maintain, even when I wear a lot of classic pieces that are brought back year after year. I recently realized how much of my closet has only been worn once or twice, or even only for photos. It just gets excessive, and I typically only post 1 outfit per week! I view it as the old "you have to spend money to make money" to be successful and work with brands. But I like to be practical on the blog. As much as I love shopping, finding a great sale, or a dress that just makes you feel great when you wear it, you only need so many of those. I may not always be able to find the best similar options when I post older items (or sale items that are new but low in stock/sold out by the time I post), but it is my real wardrobe. At this point in my life, I would rather spend the money I could spend on yet another dress or pair of shoes on several fitness classes, dinners out with friends, contribute to weekend trips, etc.
I have also been a little frustrated with blogging as a whole, because there is a perception that your follower count on Instagram determines the influence of your entire brand. Which has caused some shady behaviors across the platform to raise that number. If you haven't heard about any of these follower growth hacks, I recommend reading this post that breaks down a variety of these tactics (from having bots like/follow/comment on your behalf, to buying the blue verification checkmark), and this one about loop giveaways (when 20 girls all post the same Gucci bag). I'm not saying only fashion bloggers use these tactics, but I feel much less of this pressure when I post fitness related content. Fitness is an investment in your physical health, and I would really like to regularly incorporate a little more of that into this blog. I will obviously keep the regularly scheduled outfits going on Mondays. And I'm not saying my passion for blogging is gone. But it always feels like I am not doing enough. It is like I am always trying to catch up with things like posting links to social channels, applying to collaborations, trying to keep up with what everyone else is posting, and I never do catch up. I have a full time job, and the blog is just for fun. Some days I get really caught up in the comparison trap, or disappointed in myself that I'm not working with as many brands as I used to, and it just is not as fun as it once was. But posting things like my workout routine or some new foods I want to try, has been bringing some of the fun back!
To sum it all up, fitness content is my preferred way to break up all of the fashion content, because it reflects where my life is right now. As you may have seen in my Fitness Friday series, I typically work out around 6 days per week. I know I don't really have the motivational or empowering angle in my posts, which is one of the reasons I follow certain fitness blogs. But I just like to show my real life, not just outfit after outfit I potentially may never wear again after the photoshoot. I'm not sure if what anyone who reads here wants to read any of that, but I enjoy offering content in a new vertical. Ever since I stopped dancing in college, fitness has been such a great source of positivity in my life. I want to share more about that, because I feel like I don't have much to say in other aspects. Activewear doesn't quite give the excitement of real clothes, but it is very practical for me. As I mentioned earlier, I have a closet full of real clothes. But I don't have a whole lot of activewear in comparison. Not to mention, I tend to feel more confident in myself in fitness photos. Maybe because I get some nostalgia after taking ballet photos for most of high school. Or, maybe because I am not worrying about if my hair is curled enough or if my makeup is just right, like I sometimes do in outfit posts. I've also mentioned before that posting about my fitness goals holds me accountable to them. I think I have created some healthier habits, so I can report back in my next fitness post that I was able to do it. I have been eating healthier and getting a little more sleep over the last few months. Caralina Style is not becoming a fitness blog, but I just thought I would lay out my thoughts for why my blog content has slightly shifted.
Photos by Deeana Kourtney Photography
Thanks for reading!

LOVE this post, Cara! I totally relate to everything you're talking about- it's so frustrating to post regularly on Instagram and not see any increase in engagement! Love your fitness content!