
Friday Fives

Hi everyone! I hope Easter weekend has gotten off to a good start! Here is what I've been up to this week

1. We had such great weather Sunday and Monday, it was Jacks weather!

2. It snowed on Tuesday :( I was really sad but it melted very quickly

3. It's been so nice to bring out some of my favorite spring items again

4. I gave up Doritos for Lent, and I go by the Catholic Liturgical Calendar which means Lent ended yesterday

5.  I'm writing this as my nails are drying, I can't wait to finally wear this Lilly dress I got last summer for Easter!

Thanks for reading!
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  1. Love the worn Jack Rogers! Just as they should be.

    -- Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo

  2. I am so excited that its getting warm enough to break out the jacks yaya!

    Love Always,
